Industry Associations
Its mission is to provide an adequate environment for sustainable inclusive economy based on enhancing competitiveness, diversity, knowledge, innovation and generating decent and productive job opportunities. For more Information
Federation Of Egyptian Industries - FEI
It is a business organisation represent and defend the interests of its members (80,000 industrial companies) in Egypt. It also expresses senior state officials to discuss the problems facing the industry. For more Information
Industrial Development Authority (IDA)
The Industrial Development Authority (IDA) is responsible for implementing the industrial policies set by the Ministry of Trade and Industry to stimulate and encourage investments in the industrial sector, develop and implement land development policies for industrial purposes, make them available to investors and facilitate and simplify the procedures for obtaining industrial licenses. For more Information
Chemical & Fertilizers Export Council
The main objective of the council is to support the Egyptian chemicals exporters and manufacturers to increase their exports and competitiveness in the global markets. For more Information
A technology center specialized in research, development, laboratory testing, training courses, technical consultancy, technical and marketing feasibility studies for the plastic and plastics recycling sector in Egypt. For more Information